June 15, 2013

Middle East Dealing Re-Evaulation

What if United States is wrong when it comes to the Middle East? Is it that the United States believe that the Middle Eastern people can be manipulated in negotiations? I have noticed that these people run on feelings and that they have very deep memories. The past of these people and these nations run deeper then the all of the history of the modern United States. The lives of the people and these nations go back as far as the biblical days, a time where written history as we know it today was just being formulated and, to note, the information that has been captured in writings is just a small glimpse into the past. Religion has a major influence in the day to day decisions of the region and it defines their existence. Just imagine what life would be like if a vast majority of Americans believe in a faith that gives life itself its meaning. The traditions do not fade or wither. Now imagine the customs that we hold so dear to our existence since the beginning we now threatened. That is the overall feelings of the Middle Eastern people. The United States looks like a foreign asshole, completely out of touch with what these people feel and believe is important. They are stepping on the lands and stripping the integrity of the cultures that stood before written history. The lands of blood, tears, years, gold, silver, metals, fuels, kings, slaves, trade, love, peace, pride, war. Although very stern in the approaches of tradition, these people can be negotiated with, but they cannot be manipulated into control. They have nations and pride that has been through many types of invasions and have come out of adversity. How would the United States react to the same treatment if they were in their shoes? The nations of the Middle East will be willing to make peace. They can be persuaded into talking about their past to settle out their difference within the region, maybe even bought out... maybe... but they will not sell out to be controlled they a new foreign threat to their very way of life and their sustainability. One would think that in the business of nation building, there needs to be a win/win approach and when it comes to an entire region of religion and of centuries of tradition, the notion of coming out as a loser is not an option. That seems to be the United States approach, I believe, in dealing with the Middle East that is perceived by her people. Now that is a battle not worth fighting, especially with someone that will not hesitate to make sure that you lose as much as they might, even if it boils down to sacrificing themselves in the process (i.e. WWII kamikaze jets and suicide bombers). So the United States needs to first understand who they are trying to deal with and the approach that needs to be taken in order to move forward into a peaceful resolution, then understand their own reasons in dealing other than just the profitable justifications. The ramifications are just to sensitive and grand. Peace is the obvious, yet very important, outcome. If there is pain in the hearts of man, there will never be peace unless they can accept what the outcome shall be. So if we lead with the outcome, than we will accomplish the main objective of peace throughout... in which, I am sure the world wants and needs. So let us see the reasons for our actions, re-evaulate our dealings, and lead with the only "P" that matters... Peace, not profit. Damien

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