October 28, 2010

Looks like two ghosts... I hear voices... ahh... good blog... very interesting persepective in thinking how time was frozen by pictures not too long ago... how time is lived throught and how time is always past... this is the earliest picture of a person in the history of the world... the day that history would forever change how we as a human species record our past as SIGHT... scultures, morals, paintings, architecture, books, theory, facts will survive everlast... but timing the moment has never happened until this very photograph... now lets keep in mind that photography has been around... this isnt the first photograph... stills have been around long before thia picture and think of HieroglypS, which are very old... but thats not what we are talking about here... its the birth, genesis, break of dawn (what ever you want to call it), beginning of the digtal history of human civilization... just like a sculpture... so, to the owners of the original piece, keep it safe... but it still looks like ghosts... since it took quite some time to take this picture cause cameras were not nearly as fast as our digital cameras today... these cool cats must have had some talk... they didnt move and they were perfectly still... only the motion of the of the water creates that ghostly image... like I said... interesting

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