November 15, 2010

veterans day

A salute goes out to the active and inactive military personnel accross the planet. America with all of its glory and its flaws owes our existance today to the brave men and women who gave up their stubborn selffish lives for the freedoms demanded and embedded into every living person. For livng and doing the right thing everyone deserves. For the people we do not see but protect us at home like guardians of right. America is not perfect. We have deep deep scars, ghosts and demons that we cannot shake that follow our society. We have poverty, racism, culturalism, classism, and every other "ism" in our world that living in America is not what the world sees it to be. But eventhough our country isnt the best when it comes to a lot of things, there is no other place that i would rather be than on the soil where i was born. Us as humans tend to take things for granted but then it comes to either our money, our families, our people, our beliefs, our principles and our turf... we are ready to throw blows until there is a victory. Believe me i would love love love a world of peace and acceptance but we are a long way from that and it will just get harder with globalization [another topic]. That s why we owe our freedoms to the people who fought and lived and to the people who fought and died for us today. This is a salute to all of the past and present and future soldiers of the united states of america for keeping our nation land of the free and home of the brave. Obama is my commander and chief cause he is standing up for our country and trying to show that our country is great and that we need the other countries support for moving the world forward. But the other polititians dont count for being brave. Lets make our country proud again. Lets do what is right for all and lets be that example of progress. Lets not be a nation of spoiled rich kids and lets show the world how usa does things. Fair. Justice. Peace. Opportunity. Not greedy. Innovative. America. Support Our Soldiers of Freedom.
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