November 17, 2010

best office in the bay... just another day.. point bonita

Man oh man... looky here. This fellow was on the grass just outside of my office door. From what i here from the naturalists, who by the way knows pretty much everything when it comes to animals pants and trails in the headland by the most beautiful city in the US, this is called a great herion. Theres a more discriptive name but i must say that i am not a naturalist. But anyway, this dude was chillin right outside on the grass. He was looking for a nice plump dish to munch on. This guy was about 3 feet tall. The biggest bird that i have seen in nature. I have seen a goose and a turkey before and they are big too, but this guy takes that cake. His wing span is around 6 feet and his beak alone is 8 inches. He's searching for gophers that dug buroughs in the grass. Stalking and pacing back and forth waiting to catch his next meal and eat it whole. He was there for most of the day. When i went to grab some food in the afternoon, he was still there. I guess his prayers were answered because when i came back from lunch, he was gone. Either he got what he was hunting for or he settled for a mouse. Who knows. But the whole purpose of this conversation was to show u how wonderful this place is. Point Bonita.
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