December 25, 2011

time flies when your not there

Christmas is here... its been too long but it came fast. I think and I know many of you may agree with me that the time is flying by faster than normal. I don't know what it is but everything is speeding up. It seems like it was only January 1 st 2010 3 months ago. I mean halloween came and gone. Easter came and gone. Thanksgiving came and guess what... gone. My b day... been gone. And Christmas will do the same. I am not sure if the clocks have sped up there way of tracking time or what.

I think I came up with a theory. The time may or may not have sped up. I don't know that. But what I do know is that if hare very busy all the time, time slips away. U only keep track of what needs to be done all the time. There is always a task to accomplish and when it is done, we move to the next one. Sometimes we never finish the first task before adding another to our plate. Creating this endless downward spiral of foolishness that never stops. Like a bottomless pit.

My point is this... I noticed that when I get into a mode where things need to get done, I never think about what things I need to get happy. What does that mean? In the mix of things, I.forget that I am not this battery powered machine. I want to bee effeient in my duties but I got to remember to slow down. I have to take time away for my sanity. Going to get a hair cut or a.relaxing massage sounds like a nice way to start. But I cannot make it just some thing to do. I always see in self help articles or books that you have to take time out for yourself. But again u can't make it a task. U have to find the time in your busy schedule to do what makes u slow down. By doing this, u create time in a sense.

Remember we are only human and need to act like it. Tune out to tune into you... and create time for the most important task... your sanity.

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