April 10, 2012

28 years old

It has been a long while since I posted something new on this online journal. I say that every time don't I? We all know that times are getting more and more busier by that year but I will work on making this a more of a regular thing. Guess what America... Today, April 10, is my birthday. How old am I you might ask? I am 28 years old today. 28..... For the OG's out there, you say, "Thats a young brotha." FOr the youngsters out there, you say, "Brotha, you're old." For my peers, you all say, "2 more years and broth, you will be the big THREE O..." On this day, I feel a bit more conscious of my age than ever before. Turning 18 was great. I can buy black and mild's and swisher sweets. Turning 21 was ever more fun. I can hit the clubs and the bars and buy all the alcohol that I can afford without worrying if my fake ID would pass the test. After turning 21, there was no much else to look forward to. It's almost like the feeling after you open up all of your presents on Christmas morning. I can play with all of my toys but the sheer excitement of the surprise has faded. I guess 25 was an experience. I did feel a sense of a mid-mid-life crisis. I was a quarter of a century for crying out loud. I suppose the feeling of being a true adult (by the value of the numbers) started to sink in. I am not a youngster yet not an OG, just stuck in the middle. My mind was on the track of not setting excuses for myself and to own up to my responsibilities. I wouldn't say that I was 100% mature yet. Maybe 75% capacity. Now today is the day. I am 28 years old. What does that mean to me? While lets start on the accomplishments 1. having a child (cool) 2. I have a path on a career (double cool) 3. Working on trying not to stubble in school (yearning to learn can bring concern if its earned) 4. 5 close family members made the journey home (within the past 6 years, yeah ouch!) 5. working, struggling, succeeding, hoping, wishing, praying for the future (my destiny yet GOD's will) 6. realizing that my relationship with my lovely lady is important (but hard) 7. trying to stay connected to my family members (whenever i can) 8. getting rid of energy consuming friendships that only bring negativity... 9. Always making new friends 10. Staying true to me by getting to know me. That last one sounds weird, but it is true. I never realized that my life in my late teens and early 20s were constructed around how to impress. I never really cared of what others opinions were of me but I was aware of my swag status. I worked on making it 100% all the time. I am not saying that I went down a few points, but I realized that I was wasting my time. i had to explore myself. I had to become an adult. I know that being 28 is close to 30, I don't think about that. Why? because I am happy being now than then and I look forward.... To later...

1 comment:

  1. Damien, the above reflections are that of a young man who is growing and becoming the person he is to be and who God wants him to be. Keep heading in this direction because you're on the right path.

    Love U

    Aunt Flo
